Monday, November 14, 2011

Brush down, pen up...

Not sure how long it has been since I picked up a pen and sketched.  Inspired by a haunting photograph by William Hallett called 'The Sea Captain' which can be viewed on  this sketch emerged.  I have named it 'Sailor's Rest' and hope to develop it later into a painting complete with background.  A Staedtler Fineliner was used for this and ordinary copy paper used.

Not a seasoned blogger but...

I will try and improve :)
November has been changeable weather wise and I have been sluggish creatively. Last month I squeezed out another whimsical nun painting called 'Having a Whale of a Time'.  It came about by hearing an out hand remark by someone and I had a vision in my mind.  Fortunately it didn't take long to get it down on canvas. It is currently at the Art Station, Dunedin, New Zealand in the 2011 City of Dunedin Art Awards which runs from 19 November until the 11 December 2011.